látogató számláló
2000 Szentendre, Kőzúzó köz 10.


Verification or calibration, determination of cycle time

If we are looking for answers, it is an obvious solution to look for them on the Internet. Using a popular search engine, the question in the title will bring up countless results. It seems self-evident to look further on the website of the Hungarian Trade and Licensing Office, MKEH or better known by its former nae OMH - and if you look, you will find it. The FAQ section provides a point-by-point comparison table for our questiopn about what is verification or calibration. Except that, according to the table, calibration can be done by anyone. Even Józsi the road-roller? Bold statement or incomplete, everyone can decide for themselves. Calibration can be carried out by anyone who - and here comes the point - has a calibration device or standard that is traceable to a national or international standard. It is also stated here that the calibration certificate is not an official document and has no validity.

Once the calibration has been carried out, the calibration laboratory should indicate on the certificate - at the request of the customer - the date of the proposed recalibration. This date is only a suggestion by the laboratory, and the renewal of the calibration is at the discretion and responsibility of the owner. Once the owner has decided and set a validity period, after which the recalibration of the instrument or equipment must be carried out. Taking all these things into account, the validity of the calibration certificate is the date set by the owner. So it does have validity?

Scrolling through further, we also come across a page where the owner in the section on his measurement service advertises - with holy conviction - that safety instruments must be calibated. The legislation does not specify the mandatory calibration and its frequency, but the government regulation merely stipulates that the accuracy of measuring instruments used to carry out measurements with legal effects, the calibration of which is not mandatory, must be checked regularly with a reference standard. However, safety instruments are not subject to compulsory certification and monitoring can be ensured by calibration. The regulation uses the word \'periodic\', which is determined by the owner, not \'compulsory\'. In the light of the above, we would like to draw the attention of the site owner to the fact that the mentioned statement is intended to mislead customers.

In determining the cycle time for calibration, it is worth taking into account the recommendation of the calibration organisation, the manufacturer\'s instruction for use, the instrument\'s frequency of use, its use under laboratory or field conditions. Manufacturers generally specify a recalibration period of six months for instruments used on a daily basis and one year for those used less frequently, but no interval of more than two years is technically or professionally justified.

Recommendation of the Working Committee on Contact Protection on the recalibration period (HUN):   

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